Amanda Beckman Associates

0207 482 3282

Mollie Cranmer

Mollie graduated from Liverpool Theatre School in 2017 where she was awarded the ‘Ricky Tomlinson Performer of the Year’ award. Since graduating Mollie has performed in Her Benny and Mam I'm 'Ere! at the Royal Court Liverpool, toured with the play Invisible and with the Royal Court Liverpool in Terriers, played the lead in Piramania at the Edinburgh Festival and appeared in four pantomimes, including currently playing Cinderella. 

Princess Margaret The Mill (working title) Joe Stephenson Studio Pow
Claire A Flight to Neptune Southwark Playhouse Alex Howarth
Janine Mabel The Lion and Unicorn Alex Howarth
Chelsea Terriers Liverpool Royal Court Miriam Mussa
Paige Eve's Story Liverpool Royal Court Miriam Mussa
Taylor Road to Respect Altru Drama Gemma Banks
Marnie Invisible Footlights Theatre Company Debbie Brannan
Actor/Dancer Flick Does Fame 53two Darren Jeffries
Alice Vinegar Tom Liverpool Theatre School Alan Pattison
Dancer Kenn Dodd Happiness Tour UK Tour Adam Douglas
Disco Diva Mam I'm 'Ere! Liverpool Royal Court Stephen Fletcher
Polly Piramania Underbelly - Edinburgh Fringe Alex Howarth
Polly Piramania Upstairs at the Gatehouse Alex Howarth
Suzie Long Joan Silver Liverpool Arts Society Alex Medlicott
Eva Her Benny ABD Productions Anne Dalton
Olive Ostrovsky The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Liverpool Theatre School Alex Howarth
Erica Chitty Chitty Bang Bang UK Tour Adrien Noble
Cinderella Cinderella Cornerstone Arts Centre / KD Productions  
Enchantress of the Beans Jack & the Beanstalk  The Atkinson Katherine Kickmott
Tiger Lily Peter Pan Gaiety Theatre James Shone
Ensemble/Dance Captain Beauty And The Beast Imagine Theatre Company Sam Kane
Ensemble/Understudy Fairy Godmother Cinderella Imagine Theatre Company Sam Kane
Lillian No Offence Northern Film School Shiyi Pi
Sour Kangaroo Seussical The Musical Liverpool Theatre School Sam Donovan
Stella Kowalski A Streetcar Named Desire Liverpool Theatre School Sam Donovan
Jo Little Women Liverpool Theatre School Sam Donovan